recent happenings in the world

So I chose to write about the recent attacks in Paris, Lebanon, Turkey, and elsewhere because it’s been on my mind for a while and heavy in my heart. For months now I have been worried about the Syrian refugees and their fate. Now with the attacks in Paris, Lebanon, and Turkey I fear for the world. It hurts me to know that people can be so cruel and evil.

In government the other day we had a sobering discussion about the reality of a third world war starting soon. This reality is so hard for me to imagine because I’ve only ever read about these wars, the drafts, the deaths, and the violence. If we enter into a third world war we could likely experience a draft, my friends, my cousins, my BROTHER could be sent to war. And this wouldn’t be just any war, this would be a nuclear war, a war with weapons like nothing we’ve used before. THIS scares the crap out of me.  I can’t even imagine living a life where we are constantly fearing for our lives. This has been the reality for the refugees in Syria for a while now and I think people need to have some perspective. Yes, one and maybe two of the attackers in Paris were Syrian but that does not mean that all Syrian refugees are terrorists. Do we let the KKK represent all 0f America? no. So I don’t think we should let the extremists among the Syrian people represent all of them. I’m not saying that we should immediately let an unlimited amount of refugees into America without screening them, I’m simply saying that maybe we all just need to have a little perspective. Yeah so that’s what I have to say about that.





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